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Motorcycle Knowledge Test

The New Mexico Motorcycle Safety Program (NMMSP) offers two nationally recognized Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Rider Courses.  The Basic Rider Course (BRC), and the Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2).  If you’ve never ridden a motorcycle before or haven’t for a while and wish to obtain your Motorcycle License Endorsement then you may want to consider the Basic Rider Course.  You may visit the NMMSP website by clicking HERE for additional information regarding these courses which may be a requirement for you.

The New Mexico Motorcycle Safety Program (NMMSP) offers two nationally recognized Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Rider Courses.  The Basic Rider Course (BRC), and the Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2).  If you’ve never ridden a motorcycle before or haven’t for a while and wish to obtain your Motorcycle License Endorsement then you may want to consider the Basic Rider Course.  You may visit the NMMSP website by clicking HERE for additional information regarding these courses which may be a requirement for you.

What documents are required to take a Motorcycle Knowledge Test:

    • One (1) form of identification

We are always just a call away!

Our goal is to offer guidance to ease the process and encourage a calm and confident mindset to help you tackle a Motorcycle Knowledge Test in the event you are required to take one.  We are committed to giving you the best MVD customer service experience in New Mexico and would love the opportunity to assist you in obtaining your Motorcycle License or Endorsement.  We are always just a call away!