Countdown to REAL ID Enforcement


VIN Inspections

What is a VIN Inspection:

A VIN Inspection is a physical inspection of a vehicle’s unique identification number and is performed by a licensed and certified MVD Agent to confirm that the VIN matches all parts of the vehicle and that it is valid.  VIN Inspections are most commonly required in New Mexico for any vehicles, water vessels, and trailers that are coming from another state.  However, VIN Inspections may also be required for other types of MVD transactions such as Bonded Titles, Towing Liens, old vehicles which may no longer be in the MVD System, odometer discrepancies and other potential corrections on an existing Certificate of Title.

Important things to know about VIN Inspections:

  • VIN Inspections are only good for 90 days after inspection date.
  • In & Out MVD provides Level 1 and Level 2 VIN Inspections (Level 3 VIN Inspections can only be performed by a Law Enforcement Officer).
  • To complete and pass a Level 1 or Level 2 VIN Inspection, a vehicle must display a “Public VIN” (VIN label under windshield), and a Secondary VIN such as on the Nader Label of the door frame or engine firewall.
  • Inspections done outside of New Mexico for New Mexico residents may be accepted under strict and limited circumstances. (Service members, college students, etc.) The VIN Inspection must be performed by a certified VIN Inspector or Law Enforcement Officer from the state where the inspection was performed and must have the Inspector or Officer’s original signature, the law enforcement agency the officer is employed by, badge number (if applicable), and the VIN Inspection report must reflect key point data/information required by the State of New Mexico in order for it to be accepted.

On-Site VIN Inspections:

If you need a VIN Inspection but can’t bring your vehicle to any of our locations, don’t worry, we can come to you!  In & Out MVD has your back, simply call or stop by and schedule an On-Site VIN Inspection today!  We service all of Albuquerque and its surrounding areas such as Santa Fe, Socorro, Gallup, Grants, Santa Rosa and other areas around Albuquerque.  We specialize in Manufactured Homes and RV’s as well.  Call us today!

For a VIN Inspection, you will need the following:

  • Bring the vehicle to any of our locations for inspection
    Note: Schedule an On-Site VIN Inspection if you can’t bring the vehicle to us or if the VIN Inspection is for a Manufactured Home.
  • One (1) proof of identity (ID or Driver’s License)


Visit us today!

At In & Out MVD, you never need an appointment for most MVD transactions!  We understand life may get busy at times and last minute MVD requirements shouldn’t set you back or make you wait for an appointment.  Make In & Out MVD your one-stop-shop for all your MVD needs and experience the best MVD customer service in town!  Contact us today if you have any questions prior to making your visit to make sure you have everything you need when you come in and make it a hassle-free one-time visit.  Thank you for considering In & Out MVD…it’s all in our name!