Title Transfer & Registration

For Manufactured Homes

Whether you’re thinking about buying a Manufactured Home (AKA Mobile Home) or already purchased one, it’s important for you to know that Manufactured Homes also need to be titled and registered at MVD just like vehicles.  Every Manufactured Home, when driven or moved upon a highway, is subject to the Registration and Certificate of Title provisions of the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Code.  For this reason, it is necessary to Register your Manufactured Home and secure a Registration Plate which must constantly be displayed.  A Certificate of Title also serves as legal proof that you own your Manufactured Home so it is advised that you handle this very important step sooner rather than later.  Luckily, at In & Out MVD we have your back and we are here to help you understand the process so you can tackle and finalize this Title Transfer and Registration for your Manufactured Home in no time!

Understanding Personal vs. Real Property on Manufactured Homes

Personal Property:

When a Manufactured Home is not permanently tied or affixed to a land parcel, it is considered Personal Property for tax purposes.  (Example: Mobile Homes in parks)

Real Property:

When a Manufactured Home is placed on a permanent foundation and the tongue and axles have been removed, its title will be deactivated and it will be entered on the books of the county as Real Property, subject to Real Estate taxes instead of Personal Property taxes.

Understanding Taxes on Manufactured Homes

Manufactured Homes Taxed as Property:

After the initial Registration of a Manufactured Home with MVD, the County Assessor in the county where you’ve placed your Manufactured Home, will tax it accordingly.  We advise that you file your Manufactured Home with the County Assessor’s Office as soon as possible so you won’t fall behind on your taxes or incur any potential late tax payment penalty fees if they apply.

No Excise Tax:

The Excise Tax, is not applicable to Manufactured Homes like vehicles.  Instead, when someone purchases a Manufactured Home from a dealer, the buyer pays Gross Receipts Tax (GRT).  This tax does not apply thereafter for individual-to-individual re-sales for the same Manufactured Home.  However, every time a sale occurs, MVD will require evidence of no tax liability with the County Assessor’s Office where the Manufactured Home is located for the whole current year.  The most common document provided for this evidence is a Tax Release document from the County Assessor’s Office.

To process a Title Transfer & Registration for your Manufactured Home, you will need the following:

    • One (1) proof of identity (New Mexico Driver’s License or ID)

    Note:  If you do not have a New Mexico Driver’s License or ID, please click HERE for a full list of other alternatives for proof of identity

    • Two (2) proofs of New Mexico Residency

    Note:  This only applies if you do not have a New Mexico Driver’s License or ID and are using another alternative for proof of identity

    • Original Certificate of Title

    Note:  A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO) is also acceptable if Manufactured Home is brand new and was purchased from a dealership

    • Purchase Agreement or Dealer’s Invoice

    Note:  Only if purchased from a dealership

    • Bill of Sale – MVD Form 10009

    Note:  Only applies if the Assignment by Owner and all Reassignments by Dealer (for use by Dealers only) have been used or completed

    • Original Tax Release for whole current year

    Note:  Tax Release is provided by the County Assessor or Treasurer Office where the Manufactured Home is located.  This Tax Release must show taxes are paid in full throughout the rest of existing calendar year.  Tax receipts are not acceptable.  A Tax Release is also required for a Duplicate Title.

    • Title Clearance Request

   Note:  Required only if Manufactured home was purchased outside of New Mexico.  This is to verify and confirm that any compensating tax that may be due has been paid to the State of New Mexico.

Not all Title Transfer scenarios are alike, many times there are special or different scenarios in some Title Transfers that may require different documentation.  The following is a list of some common documents that may or may not apply to your Manufactured Home Title Transfer and Registration:

Limited Durable Power of Attorney – MVD Form 11020
This form is required if someone other than the person whose name will go on the title and registration is registering the Manufactured Home for that person.  Both the home owner and the person submitting this affidavit must sign it and have their signatures notarized.

Affidavit of Correction Form – MVD Form 10019

This form is required to correct an error on a Certificate of Title or MCO that is being presented for the purpose of issuance of a New Mexico Title.  Only the seller is required to sign this form but it must be notarized.

Affidavit of One and the Same Name – MVD Form 10008

This form is required to establish that various different names found on various forms of ID’s or documents refer to one person, the affiant.  This happens when erroneous spellings of a name, a missing first or second name, or even an additional name or other names are used for one person, business or company.  This form must be signed by the person that made the error and must be notarized.

Release of Lien – MVD Form 10041

This form is required to remove a lien on a Manufactured Home once the lien has been paid in full.  The Lien Holder is the person or entity who placed the lien on the Manufactured Home and has a financial interest on said home.  Most Certificates of Title have a section where the Lien Holder may sign to release their financial interest.  If this section isn’t signed by the Lien Holder, then this form will be required.

For additional State of New Mexico MVD Forms, click HERE.  You will be re-directed to the State of New Mexico’s website “Most Popular Forms” page.

Visit us today for the best MVD experience!

We realize that many of the related requirements regarding Manufactured Home Title Transfers & Registrations may be confusing or complicated, but don’t worry, we have your back!  We are committed to making your MVD visit simple and hassle-free by offering unmatched guidance and customer service.  Your questions and concerns are top priority for us so please call us any time and allow us the opportunity to serve you and earn your business.  Visit us today for the best MVD experience in New Mexico!